Join DC Drinks in Celebration of Repeal Day, December 5th
As a drinker, the date December 5th should ring a warm tone in your soul. For teetotalers and prudes who don't know, December 5th, 1933 was when the 18th Amendment (Prohibition) was repealed by the lovely 21st Amendment---ushering in freedom and stamping out gangsterism for a generation. It's a juicy example of democracy in action and worth a proper celebration.
Thanks in part to the efforts of Portland bartender Jeffrey Morgenthaler, DC Drinks is hosting an ad hoc Repeal Day celebration at Washington DC's oldest bar, Billy Martin's Tavern on Tuesday, December 5th starting after work and we're not going to stop celebrating until at least December 6th.
We welcome all DC Drinkers to join us.
We urge you to put aside your dainty hang-ups about drinking on a worknight to show your patriotism and loyalty to that great document, the US Constitution. I'm saying that if you live in DC, and you don't come to our Repeal Day celebration, you're simply a Pinko PC Left Fascist Bastard.
Here's a classic Repeal Day video to get you primed and ready:
Billy Martin's Tavern: 1264 Wisconsin Avenue NW, Georgetown.
Portland's close enough, but for the record, I hail from the great burg of Eugene.
Love you guys, thanks so much for the Repeal Day support. I'll be in D.C. next year on the Fifth!
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